Monday, July 27, 2009

Fourth of July, 2009

Sportin' my new do

Hangin' out at Grandma's house

"I got 'what' on my shirt?"

Seersucker Sundays and Fourth of July Holidays

Chloe's first Fourth of July weekend was spent at home. Aunt Rachelle came from Denver Thursday evening and stayed a couple of nights with us. We spent Friday at the City Market tinkering around. Grandpa and Grandma Sontheimer, big sister Wendy and our friends Robert and Jenni came for lunch on Saturday. Del and Wendy stayed home with sleeping Chloe that night while Mom, Dad, Rachelle and I went to see fireworks.

After that weekend we battled some sickness issues. I got a horrible case of poison ivy that required two rounds of steriods to get over. I am still healing. Chloe had some stomache issues that we attributed to formula. She had no fever and didn't act as if she felt bad. She threw up a couple of times over the weekend and had diarrhea for about a week off and on. After taking her to the doctor to make sure she wasn't dehydrated, we tried a couple of new formulas on doctor's reccommendation and have settled on Good Start formula. She seems to like it and hasn't had any problems since. It was my first time with her being sick. I washed a lot of bedclothes that weekend and week. I think I was worried more be the fact that she didn't act sick but clearly something was going on.

Chloe has been growing like crazy. Clothes that fit last week, don't fit this week. We are in a size 3 diaper now. From the time I leave in the morning till when I get home she has grown. One day, I swear, she grew out of her hair. I came home and her forehead was longer. Her hair is growing like crazy, too. She slobbers constantly now. And it doesn't help matters that she sucks on her fist. It seems to make the slobber worse. She has gone to bed four nights in a row now without a bottle. The last two nights she has rolled onto her tummy. I haven't yet seen the rolling-over in action, but she does do it. Tonight was her first laugh as well. I was undressing her for her bath and when I pulled her arm out she chuckled. I got her to do one more time. She has had a busy weekend.
