Monday, July 27, 2009

Fourth of July, 2009

Sportin' my new do

Hangin' out at Grandma's house

"I got 'what' on my shirt?"

Seersucker Sundays and Fourth of July Holidays

Chloe's first Fourth of July weekend was spent at home. Aunt Rachelle came from Denver Thursday evening and stayed a couple of nights with us. We spent Friday at the City Market tinkering around. Grandpa and Grandma Sontheimer, big sister Wendy and our friends Robert and Jenni came for lunch on Saturday. Del and Wendy stayed home with sleeping Chloe that night while Mom, Dad, Rachelle and I went to see fireworks.

After that weekend we battled some sickness issues. I got a horrible case of poison ivy that required two rounds of steriods to get over. I am still healing. Chloe had some stomache issues that we attributed to formula. She had no fever and didn't act as if she felt bad. She threw up a couple of times over the weekend and had diarrhea for about a week off and on. After taking her to the doctor to make sure she wasn't dehydrated, we tried a couple of new formulas on doctor's reccommendation and have settled on Good Start formula. She seems to like it and hasn't had any problems since. It was my first time with her being sick. I washed a lot of bedclothes that weekend and week. I think I was worried more be the fact that she didn't act sick but clearly something was going on.

Chloe has been growing like crazy. Clothes that fit last week, don't fit this week. We are in a size 3 diaper now. From the time I leave in the morning till when I get home she has grown. One day, I swear, she grew out of her hair. I came home and her forehead was longer. Her hair is growing like crazy, too. She slobbers constantly now. And it doesn't help matters that she sucks on her fist. It seems to make the slobber worse. She has gone to bed four nights in a row now without a bottle. The last two nights she has rolled onto her tummy. I haven't yet seen the rolling-over in action, but she does do it. Tonight was her first laugh as well. I was undressing her for her bath and when I pulled her arm out she chuckled. I got her to do one more time. She has had a busy weekend.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Missouri Storms

These last few weeks have been filled with good ole' Missouri thunderstorms and lighting. Fortunately our basement has only had a bit of water this year. With the lighting we have not been so lucky. Wednesday evening as the next storm was rolling in, lighting struck near the house. It spared the electricity but not the cable. Having digital cable than for internet service was our demise. When it surged the house it blew out a tv and fried the computer. That being said there will be no new pictures or videos until we are able to get a new one. Words will have to suffice for now.
Chloe is doing well. She went on June 10th for her two month checkup and shots. She was 11 pounds and 23 inches long, 75% for both. She took her shots like a champ...screaming and crying. We didn't watch the actual shots but tried our best to soothe her during and after. She had a bit of thrush that we got meds for to administer at home. After the ten day regimen it hadn't gone away completely, so Del took her back to the doctor. She got another medicine at the office that coated her mouth in bright blue. It looked as if she had eaten an ink pen. She wasn't a real happy camper about that visit either.
She is starting to smile alot. She is also cooing and making all kinds of cute baby noises. She has figured out how to scoot on her back. When we put her down at night, by the time she wakes up hungry she has scooted from the middle of the crib to the end, pushing her head against the rails. This seems to irritate her and she gets really cranky and persistent to be picked up when this happens. When you finally get there with the next bottle she looks at you as if to say, "What took you so long?"
Next week is the last week Del works till school starts. He will be home with her for six full weeks. I am afraid he may go a bit crazy. When he starts back we hope to have a new sitter. The one we have now is not working for us. We have a couple of good prospects and hopefully on of the will work out.
Hopefully we will be able to replace our computer soon. Home owners insurance my help us some in replacing both the computer and tv. Until then....

Monday, June 22, 2009


Okay...We got a camcorder this weekend for Del's first Happy Father's Day. We figured in just two months time there are so many memories that we want to keep that we need some way other than pictures to do that. Since most of my family and Del's are not able to come reguarly to see Chloe grow that this would be a great way to share those memories as pictures and videos. This is my first time creating and maintaining a blog. I will be experimenting and trying my best to keep up with posting our most memorable moments.
